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The distillers in Tennessee are committed to responsible alcohol consumption and strive for safety in every aspect of the Tennessee Whiskey Trail®. Each distiller has pledged to promote responsible consumption in an effort to reduce impaired driving, prevent underage consumption, and also provide a comfortable environment for those who choose not to drink.

We kindly ask you, our guest, to join in our efforts to make sure the Tennessee Whiskey Trail® remains a must-do activity for future generations. While visiting our distilleries, always remain in control of your consumption. Eat plenty of food and stay hydrated with water or other non-alcoholic beverages. As always, know your personal limits, and please don’t ever consider operating a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol.

Make the Pledge!

Commit to being a responsible trailblazer.

You have the choice to not only make the responsible decision for yourself, but also to encourage others to always act in a respectful, courteous and responsible manner. By liking our Facebook page, you’re pledging to do just that.